
Spanakorizo (Spinach and Rice)

Spanakorizo (Spinach and Rice)

I hope you enjoyed my last post on the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet. It got me thinking how there are so many great Greek dishes that you can prepare at home easily. This week I thought I would post a favorite of mine. Spanakorizo is a very typical, healthy, and hearty Greek vegetarian dish.

It’s All Greek to Me!

It’s All Greek to Me!

In case you did not already know, I am Greek - I am actually 100% Greek and first generation as well since my father was born and raised in southern Greece. In addition to other aspects of my childhood, being Greek strong influenced what we ate and what my mother cooked. This was evidenced by holidays, family gatherings, and the average weekday meal. Lentil soup, stuffed peppers, string beans in tomato sauce, and spinach and rice all made very regular appearances on the dinner table. Everything - and I mean everything - was made with copious amounts of extra virgin Greek olive oil (I cannot even remember another kind of oil every being in the house). At times I was certainly the kid at school with the "weird ethnic" lunch and, although it is quite embarrassing for me to admit now, I would nag my mom for more "regular, American" foods - mostly to no avail. Now, years later, I immensely appreciate the influence the Mediterranean diet had on our eating habits and love to espouse the benefits to others.

Spanakopita (Spinach Pie) Salad

Spanakopita (Spinach Pie) Salad

When I was five years old, I took my very first trip to Greece with dreams of eating spanakopita three times a day and riding a pony on my grandfather’s farm. Neither dream turned out the way I expected – the pony was actually a donkey and there was no spanakopita to be found.